Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Be nice please...Pretty please

You’ve heard the old saying one rotten apple can spoil the barrel; well the same is true with people. There is nothing worse than having to spend time or be around someone who is always whining and complaining. Nothing is ever good enough their glass is not only half empty it’s dry. Their stories or problems are the only ones they are interested in. They monopolize the conversation and their negative vibe brings everyone down, it’s all about them all the time. This is especially true in the workplace they can make a happy place a misery just by being there.
For a manager these people are a nightmare, they need to be encouraged to move on as quickly as possible before their poison spreads and infiltrates the rest of the staff.  Ignore them and before you know it you’ll have a mutiny on your hands. That’s because emotions are contagious. Badness can spread like a wild fire and the only way to douse it is to build a firewall.
In nursing we unfortunately see this person regularly. They have the power to ruin your lunch break if they happen to be present. It’s enough to give you indigestion and the only solution is to loose oneself on the web and tune them out. Making you antisocial but that’s better than crazy. I could feel sorry for them if I didn’t dislike them so much.
Is life really that bad? When you start your day do you intentionally think I will make all around me miserable today. Do you know you’re a sour tart or do you think that your ranting is a normal way to behave? I think it’s a habit, a rotten nasty habit that you’ve allowed to get out of hand because no one has had the balls to tell you to stop. It’s an attitude and it’s less stressful and much healthier to have a good attitude than a bad one. So be nice please...Pretty please.
Dora Meulman

1 comment:

carolina said...

I agree with you Dora! I hate it when people try to make everyone else miserable just because they are.nd what's worse is that if they probably don't have a good reason to be so miserable in the first place. Ignoring them is definitely the best thing to do!