Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Yesterday Kerry’s friend Alden asked me on Twitter “are you giving up anything for lent this year?” I replied no I haven’t given up anything in years. Now I’m thinking why not. I think it’s good to discipline yourself occasionally and Lent gives us that opportunity.
When I was a child in Ireland it was expected and usually I’d give up candy, we call it “sweets”. I went to a Catholic girls school and the Nuns would be prepping us for weeks, now girls I hope you’re giving some thought as to what you’ll be giving up for Lent. The state of our souls was the most important thing to them; I think it got them brownie points from St Peter. On Pancake Tuesday every girl would be asked in turn around the class what they were giving up for Lent… Dora sweets Sister; Mary cakes Sister; Noreen sweets Sister; and it would be noted.  
Ash Wednesday would arrive and we’d all be marched to Mass. During the Mass everyone would line up like when you go to communion and the priest would put a cross shape using ash on everyone’s forehead.” Ashes to ashes and dust to dust”. That would have to stay there all day no washing it off.
Now there was no opting out of any of this. No notes from parents saying little Dora doesn’t have to go to Mass. That would never happen, the Nun’s ruled sometimes harshly, and the Priest was their boss. His only boss was the Pope, then Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That was how it was the Church ruled everything.
Later as I got older for Lent I’d give up alcohol, or movies or whatever I enjoyed, the point being it had to be a hardship. I haven’t thought about Lent for many years the Nuns would be horrified.  I’d currently like to give up work for six weeks but that wouldn’t count if you get my drift. The only thing I would miss and therefore qualify is wine.
I’m a weak women I’d need a few get out of jail cards. I have my BUNCO ladies that I’m hosting on Paddies day can’t do that without wine. I have Margaret’s bridal shower again can’t do that without wine. Plus I need one more as a backup. So here it is my challenge to you and me. Tell me what you’re giving up for Lent; you get to have 3 passes or excuses. On those days you’ll be allowed to break your fast. Are you in? I need encouragement to stop the DT’s J
Dora Meulman


Alden said...

I love the three free passes idea, no one is perfect! I don't do lent so much for the religious part, I still do it because it helps me to realize that I have great will power if I choose to use it. Last year I gave up Facebook because it was taking over my life. Consequently, I barely use it now.

I want to start eating healthier and I've gotten really into cooking, so this year I'm giving up junk food and bad processed food. I admire your choice to give up something you know that you'll miss. Good luck! :)

carolina said...

Oh Gosh Dora! That's a tough one to give up. I've been thinking about what to give up and can't come up with anything good. Derrick is supposed to be helping me come up with something but he's not giving up anything. Any ideas?

Great idea on the 3 passes! I'm glad we get to drink wine together at Margaret's party...haha!

Dora Meulman said...

Good for you Alden chooseing to eat healthier and cut out junk food is a good choice.
Carolina you can give up wine with me. I need to start watching my girlish figure and wine is loaded with calories, I love it though. We both get a pass at Margarets bridal shower lol.